Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..(Ephesians 3:20 NIV)

Scripture, history and experience have revealed God as He who is in charge of all things. Our God, the Most High God is the “Master of Possibility” in the midst of deep confusion and uncertainty. Accounts of His turning situations around fill the Scriptures and human history.

Ephesians 3:20 declares God as being powerful enough to give or provide us whatever we need. Not only that, God can do more than we can ever imagine.

As humans, we worry, work and ask for what we need. We look at our past and are afraid of the ‘future’ because of the uncertainties we face and the hurdles that life presents us. All our experiences, consciously or not, affect our look on things and our responses to them now. This reality makes us, even as Christians, forget about God’s promises not to forsake or abandon us. Instead of crying to God in prayer, we anxiously set out to do it ourselves and alone, and make God and His throne the last appointment.

But thanks be to God who always provides help to his children (you and me). He is able and willing to give to us according to His grace and mercy, which makes Him God over all. He will do more than whatever you can take a courageous step to ask Him today and NOW. He just wants you to approach His throne with faith and humility of heart, showing dependence on Him for provision. He cares.

Therefore friend, since we have a wonderful and ever caring and faithful God and father, who is there to help us beyond our needs, why not go to Him with a humble heart so that you can get the help needed and be translated from troubles to peace in all your affairs (which is the will of God for you, in Christ Jesus). You can be sure with God who alone is really able to help.

He can do exceeding abundantly beyond what you need and ask for.
Read these scriptures 1 Cor. 2:9, Eph. 1:3Heb. 4:16

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